Tuesday 3 April 2012

How long ill it take to be with you?

Monday, I'm waiting
Tuesday, I'm still waiting to see
see.. see.. if you are fine
Wednesday, you're still not here
Neither in the morning, nor later
Thursday is also empty
Friday, Saturday or Sunday
None of the day that I don't miss you
None of the day that you will come back
To be in our old days
The day that i met you
The day that I was close to you
The day that we held hands
The day i spoke to you
The days that you'll listen to me
How long it will be like this? I don't know
How many months or years?
How many billions of our past memory?
I never don't miss you

Friday 30 March 2012

Your dreams are my promises

Why m I still scared when you are all mine?
Why should I ask you to be like me: instead why can't I be like you?
Why can't I accept the facts instead of asking you to change?
Why do i still torture you when you expect love and care from me?
Why can't I be nice when you think I am your happiness?

What a shame on me if I can't keep my promises which are your dreams.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

The truth of Life

The Truth of life is when you have a worthwhile woman in your life, other men are going to hit on her. If she is an efficient girl then she’s going to politely decline their advances. U are one of them baby, let thousand men come on our way but still nothing is going to happen between us cuz i have trust in you. I am not scared about who says what cuz i know ur heart is beating for me. Till the day your heart holds my name I can proudly breathe the air of love, care and affection around me. Believe me, I am neither scared nor possessive/jealous about it. I just wana hear from your mouth that u love me and comfort me with ur sweet little dialogue "do u think i would fall for them? they are nothing to me".

Wednesday 26 October 2011

This world of your's is crazy.

If you live I won’t die but if u die, I ill really be dead because in this cruel world it’s really tough to live alone. I am really fond of your heart so forgive me if I have done things that did hurt you because forgiving is giving some one just a little room in your heart.

Sunday 31 July 2011

My Happiness

Baby, my emotions may not show but a love that is mostly hidden is always deep and eternal.My heart can accommodate no other apart from you and I know this is how my words will never be able to describe exactly how I feel about u. Being with you is comfort, love, security, contentment, passion and happiness, all rolled into one and it is going to be for the rest of my life.
Baby, if you look through my heart to see who it is beating for, you would know the depth of my love for you. U know ur absence pains me a lot.   
Baby, take good care for a year and after that i shall provide the kind of happiness that u are longing for,for rest of ur life.

Thursday 28 July 2011

I am a dreamer

I can plan my day without u but i can't plan my future without u.I have seen soo many big dreams with u, so many promises to fulfill so I am a dreamer and u are the angle of my dream.Rite now is a little pain and struggle but good days are ahead of us and big moments are waiting for us. You wait me one year then i shall fulfill my promises. You ill have ur choice in life cuz u waited me when i asked you. Baby gal be what u are, always, never change the way u are cuz this world of your's drives me crazy....